Chenguang launched the "Deep Blue Planet" series, joining hands with wildlife rescue to jointly call for marine protection

2024-08-21 17:34 0

/PRZWT/BEIJING, August 21, 2024 - Saving water and electricity, going green, picking up trash, choosing low-carbon products... Sustainability has become a topic of much concern in all sectors of society, with young consumers now embracing green as their new lifestyle and taking concrete actions to support it.

As the light of stationery and domestic products that accompanies countless consumers to grow up, Chenguang welcomes the arrival of the new semester with students every year. This year, Chenguang embraces the environmental protection issues that children are most concerned about today. With the theme of "Chenguang School Season, Flash Yourself", it launched the "Deep Blue Planet" series of new products. It launched the "Guardian Deep Blue, Flash + 1" marine protection public welfare flash event on Wuzhizhou Island, Hainan Province. It invited many public welfare organizations, stars, Olympic champions, experts, poets, caring brands and media partners to bring the "first lesson of school" to young people across the country.

"Guardian dark blue, flash + 1" Morning light holds the first class of school by the sea

People and nature are a community with a shared future, and it is the common expectation of mankind to build a harmonious and beautiful world for all things. Recognizing and respecting the diversity of ecology, getting used to every little change will eventually usher in a sustainable future for the earth. Based on the green consumption needs and emotional insights of young consumers, Chenguang launched the "Deep Blue Planet" series of new products this school season, and joined hands with WildAid to jointly call for marine protection. Because of love, Chenguang encourages every student to love the earth, love all beings, and love themselves. This school season, be brave to be "shining yourself"!

On August 15th, National Ecological Day, Chenguang and Chenguang Public Welfare joined forces with Wildlife Rescue and Borderless Deep Blue to launch the "Guardian Deep Blue, Flash + 1" marine protection public welfare flash event on Wuzhizhou Island, Hainan, and moved the classroom to the seaside to bring a unique "first lesson in school". In the seaside classroom, the blue sea hits the front through the hollow blackboard, and at the same time, the miniature landscape of the marine ecosystem is presented in the desk drawer. The distant and vague marine ecology becomes concrete here, and the feeling of marine ecological protection becomes more direct.

Mr. Chen Yandong, Vice President of Wuzhizhou Island Tourism Area, Zhu Jianfeng, Senior Director of Chenguang Brand Center, Zhang Wenting, Director of Marine and Species Project of Wildlife Rescue Beijing Representative Office, Wang Miao, Promoter of Deep Blue, Young Actor Xiong Ziqi, and Ms. Xu Lijia, China's first Olympic gold medal winner in sailing events, attended the opening ceremony. "Flash Class Representatives" from various fields such as public welfare, performing arts, sports, literature, business and media expressed their views on marine ecological protection from their own perspectives and sent a school message to the students.

In May this year, Chenguang joined hands with Poetry Magazine and CM Public Welfare Communication to launch the "In the Name of Poetry · Let Rare Be Cherished" theme activity, advocating that everyone write poems for marine rare species together, and move these poems to the flash mob site, and invited Peng Min, deputy director of the editorial department of Poetry Magazine and champion of the fifth season of China Poetry Conference, poets Zang Di, Chen Nianxi, and Mr. Wang Jibing, to carry out poetry nature writing camps and poetry readings around the theme of marine protection, facing the sea to feel the collision between nature and poetry, and retain poetry for the future of man and nature.

In the second "In the Name of Poetry, Let Rare Be Cherished" Ocean Special, Wu Changwei, the winner of the "Flash Youth · Rare Award", also came to the scene and brought poetry readings. Later, Mr. Peng Min and Mr. Zhu Jianfeng presented Wu Changwei with the award and sent the new products of Chenguang's "Deep Blue Planet" series.

Xiong Ziqi and Xu Lijia appeared as flash public welfare ambassadors, bringing interesting environmental science knowledge to everyone, and inviting the audience to start the beach cleaning action. Every time you pick up a marine garbage, you can get a Chenguang Deep Blue Planet series gender-neutral pen. You can leave your own environmental declaration in the clock area, and at the same time advocate more people to contribute to environmental protection through underwater science popularization live broadcast and Douyin national task challenge.

Guard the dark blue, flash + 1, personal light may be weak, but the gathering of the shimmer will definitely bloom with bright light. At the end of the ceremony, everyone used the PLA degradable gender-neutral pen of the morning light "Deep Blue Planet" series to uniformly compare the "flash + 1" gesture, calling on everyone who has light in their hearts to start with a pen and small things around them to protect the ocean and earth ecology on which we depend for survival.

Open a green life and protect the earth's home together

As a well-loved Chinese stationery brand and the first listed company in the domestic stationery industry to issue ESG reports, Chenguang has actively practiced corporate social responsibility at the beginning of its establishment, with the mission of creating "good stationery with temperature". In 2021, it released the company's first sustainable development strategy. Through four strategic pillars of sustainable products, climate change response, sustainable supply chain, and empowering employees and communities, it leads the sustainable development of the industry and jointly writes a sustainable business future.

In recent years, Chenguang has continued to pay attention to sustainable issues, actively seeking renewable, degradable and safer and healthier raw materials, so that stationery can also contribute to improving the living environment of the earth. This year's school season, Chenguang launched the "Deep Blue Planet" series, which features marine animals such as manta rays, narwhals, dugongs, green turtles, and other marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, polar glaciers, pink beaches, and mangroves, so that more people can understand and pay attention to biodiversity conservation. The PLA degradable neutral pen in this series is made of polylactic acid converted from biomass such as corn, and the recycled neutral pen is made of waste LCD TVs and monitors through recycling, sorting, cleaning, filtering, granulation, etc., to reduce plastic waste and plastic pollution, and to protect endangered animals with practical actions.

One start, green life. Chenguang is committed to using sustainable products as a carrier, advocating more consumers to start with a pen, start with the little things in life, and practice the concept of sustainability. From the first carbon neutrality stationery series, to the "Endangered Animals · Wetlands" series launched by the Mangrove Foundation (MCF), to the launch of the "Deep Blue Planet" series this year, and WildAid to jointly call for marine protection, Chenguang insists on embracing the environmental protection issues that children are most concerned about today, and stands with them to protect biodiversity and protect our green home.

Essential things for the start of school Morning light helps the flash journey of the new semester

If you want to do something good, you must first sharpen your tools, and the "flash journey" of the school year naturally requires the blessing of good equipment. In addition to the first class of the school year, Chenguang also brought students a series of essential goods for the school year and appeared at the Shanghai Book Fair and the Nanguo Book Festival this year, creating a sense of ritual for students who are about to enter the new semester.

Based on consumer pain point insights, Chenguang has continued to break through and innovate in recent years, launching a series of writing artifacts that are well recognized by the market and consumers to continuously improve the consumer writing experience. The excellent grip series jointly developed by Chenguang and the School of Design and Creativity of Tongji University, the correction design of the pen grip, helps children form correct writing habits subtly; the "Deep Blue Planet" writing expert and the excellent "Hello Mars" series of gender-neutral pens, in addition to the outstanding appearance, are matched with a comfortable grip sheath to reduce writing fatigue, and there are also ST pen tips for fine brush questions to stabilize output.

In addition to product functions, Chenguang also injects stories, content, temperature, and attitude into stationery, bringing internationally renowned IP joint series such as Casper, Lisa, and Harada to enrich consumers' merchandise experience. At the same time, for children's use scenarios and needs, Chenguang has launched a series of products specially developed for school-age children to accompany children to grow up healthily and happily. For example, in recent years, Chenguang's smart "three-machine" series and the smart large-screen microscope that won the German Red Dot Award in 2024 have been deeply loved and praised by parents and children.

In addition to the good things for the school year, this Chenguang booth has also become a highlight of the book fair. The immersive marine-themed atmosphere and rich and interesting activities have become a popular clock in the audience. The entire Chenguang booth is designed with a blue ocean theme and a creative style of marine life and coral reefs, allowing consumers to be immersive, strengthening the protection of important marine life habitats, and calling on the public to protect biodiversity. At the same time, Chenguang also joined the organizers of the Shanghai Book Fair and the Guangzhou Nanguo Scholarly Festival to launch the "Exclusive Passport Seal Collection" clock in activity, inviting the audience to participate in the interactive collection of chapters and clock in, and jointly start the journey of scholarly flashes.

As a well-deserved "light of domestic products" in the hearts of consumers, Chenguang has been adhering to the mission of "making study and work happier and more efficient" for more than 30 years. It has always stood with young consumers, allowing products to satisfy emotional value outside of functions. At the same time, it has established a deeper connection and communication with consumers, conveying positive energy value propositions, and allowing more young people to feel the sincere encouragement and company from the brand. This school season, let's be a "shining self" with Chenguang!

Source: Corporate press release
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